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Text: Genesis 1:1 – 6:8
11″ x 14″

Original is available. Email to inquire.

Parashat B’reishit is the first portion of the Torah and gives us the story (or stories) of Creation. In six days, God created the world — (1) light and dark, (2) separated the waters into the clouds in the sky and the oceans, (3) created dry land and plants, (4) the sun, moon, and stars, (5) animals of the sea and sky, (6) land animals and human beings. Then on the seventh day, God rested, a practice which we remember every week when we celebrate Shabbat. This piece shows the path God took through the first six days to our time of rest.

This piece can be personalized with an inscription of the name and date of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah! Be sure to include the spelling of the Hebrew name if possible (to type in Hebrew: ).

Parashat B'reishit: Print


Art Size: 11"x14"
Recommended Frame Size: 16"x20"

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