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Text: Exodus 6:3 – 9:35

11″ x 14″

Original is available. Email to inquire.

Parashat (Torah Portion) Va’eira tells of the first seven plagues in Egypt before the Exodus. The names of every plague are bolded in the piece: dam/blood, t’fardeia/frogs, kinim/lice, arov/swarms of flies, dever/livestock disease, barad/hail and fire, and sh’chin/boils. Moses is approaching Pharaoh, whose heart is hardened again and again, refusing to let the Israelites go.

This piece can be personalized with an inscription of the name and date of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah! Be sure to include the spelling of the Hebrew name if possible (to type in Hebrew: ).

Parashat Va'eira: Print

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