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Beit Midrash Prayer Pages

Click the section of the service you're working on. The prayers included in that section are listed below each button.

Bar'chu, Yotzer Or, Sh'ma, V'ahavta, Mi Chamocha

Avot v'Imahot, G'vurot
Coming soon: Kedusha, Intermediary Prayers, Oseh Shalom

(Coming Soon)
Aleinu, Mourner's Kaddish

Modeh/Modah Ani, Hinei Mah Tov,
Mah Tovu

Concluding Prayers

© 2014 Rae Antonoff. Proudly created with

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Rae is creating these resources in her free time, completely on spec (unpaid), until materials hit the market in Fall 2016.

If you're enjoying these resources in the meantime and would like to see more, please consider donating toward the development costs of creating and maintaining this site!

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