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Prayer Karaoke Videos:
The Sh'ma & Her Blessings

Bar'chu, Yotzer Or, Sh'ma, V'ahavta, Mi Chamocha

READ: Bar'chu

SUNG: Bar'chu
Noah Aronson melody - with guitar
("Am I awake?")

SUNG: Bar'chu

Ben Siegel melody - with guitar

("Ya la la...")

READ: Yotzer Or

SUNG: Yotzer Or

Jeff Klepper melody - with guitar

READ: Sh'ma


Tune by Solomon Shulzer

CHANTED: V'ahavta

Torah Trope
(AW Binder cantillation)

READ: V'ahavta

READ: Mi Chamocha

(1st paragraph only for now)

SUNG: Mi Chamocha

No Guitar
Debbie Friedman melody

SUNG: Mi Chamocha

With Guitar
Debbie Friedman melody

© 2014 Rae Antonoff. Proudly created with

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Rae is creating these resources in her free time, completely on spec (unpaid), until materials hit the market in Fall 2016.

If you're enjoying these resources in the meantime and would like to see more, please consider donating toward the development costs of creating and maintaining this site!

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